Learning Works has tailored its in school and afterschool and community-based programs to address issues faced by the student population, including:
- Learning Works @ Homeboy Industries
- Chasers®
- Pregnant and Parenting Teens (PPT)
- artWORKS
- Hope Works
Our Curriculum
We believe that all students can excel academically despite the circumstances that may have caused them to leave school or fall significantly behind. We provide an academically rigorous, independent study program that allows for meaningful, real-life connections to students’ experiences. Through strong teacher-student relationships that allow for personalized learning and mentoring, we offer target students a viable opportunity to return and succeed on the path to education.
Standards-based Instruction
The LW curriculum and instructional program focuses on providing students with core academic skills based upon the California state content standards. Unfortunately, students identified as being at-risk of educational failure often receive a “watered down” curriculum that emphasizes the acquisition only of the most basic academic skills. Conversely, at LW, we believe that all students, especially those at-risk, need to be engaged in interesting and challenging learning that goes beyond basic proficiencies, and focuses on mastery of state content standards appropriate at each grade level.
Students will be offered the graduation requirements for the high school diploma and the opportunity to complete coursework aligned to the A-G requirements for attending a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC). The A-G curricula requires completion of coursework with a C or better including Algebra II and two years of foreign language. At minimum, curriculum offerings and requirements include courses in the following subjects:
- 4 years of English/language arts.
- 2 years of math (including passing algebra).
- 2 years of science (including passing biology).
- 3 years of history/social studies.
- 2 years of physical education.
- 1 year of visual & performing arts, foreign language or career technical education.
- 2 years of specified electives: expository writing, health/computer technology, environmental science & financial literacy.
- 2 years of electives, choices include work experience, career exploration, foreign language & artWORKS. Parenting is an additional, optional elective in the PPT program.
Personalized Learning
From our experience, we have found that in-crisis/ high-risk students often require intensive, individualized attention and support in order to succeed academically. LWCS offers personalized learning for our students through multiple vehicles:
- A teacher assigned to assist students in coursework.
- Individualized learning plans (ILPs) developed and monitored by a counselor.
- Chaser that provides accountability and mentoring and ensure students meet contract due dates.
- Tutor to assist the student with difficult work.
- Social Work Intern from local universities to provide support services where and when needed.
- Small group instruction (SGI) to support some subject areas.
Alternative Education in an Independent Study Format
Rigor |
Relationships |
Relevance |
• Standards-based Instruction • State-Adopted Textbooks • A-G Curriculum Path • CAHSEE • Dual Enrollment at PCC • Required Tutoring |
• Teacher • Chaser • Tutor • Social Worker • Volunteers |
• Field trips as part of visual and performing arts, science, and social studies • Health • Community Service • Work Experience |
Although students can enter at any point to begin coursework, LWCS is organized around trimesters in order to structure the curriculum and credit accumulation, students enroll in either four or five classes per trimester for a total of 60 units or 75 units per year depending on how credit deficient they are. LWCS follows the state and district graduation requirements.
Under our model, LW allows students the flexibility to schedule weekly meetings that work within their own schedule and to work on 1-3 class subjects at a time. All LW students are required to attend regularly scheduled appointments with teachers a minimum of one hour each, twice-weekly tutoring sessions, actual classes/laboratories and field trips focused on key classes. Students who have been assessed as needing additional academic support attend small group instruction (SGI) classes for an additional 2-4 hours a week. This high level of teacher contact, communication and oversight provides the needed personal support, role-modeling and mentoring that our target students need to succeed.
Academic Credits
Students earn academic credits by completing the assigned class work from a credentialed teacher and demonstrating mastery of skills and learning. Within LW, students have the flexibility to work at their own pace and they may use more or less time than the average 60 classroom hours needed to complete a class of 5 academic credits. Class completion OR earning 5 academic credits means that the student has demonstrated that he/she has accomplished the course objectives for the class, as certified by the credentialed teacher. Satisfactory completion of classes is also demonstrated by earning a passing grade, from A to D, per LW guidelines.